Gardening Basics: Knowing Your Shovels

If "No Till" Means No Tilling, Why Machinery? And Other Questions Answered

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Most farmers use tilling equipment to churn the soil up from several inches underground. That is the traditional means of getting crops started in the spring. Unfortunately, it takes hours to do the tilling, and by the end of the first day, nothing has been planted yet. If the weather changes or the fields become too wet, all of that tilling has to start over to prepare the soil for seeding. Read More»

Heading Into Farming As A Career? Pointers On Buying Tractors

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If seeing a tractor for sale makes you long for a house with a red barn and a hundred acres behind that, you may be the perfect person to become a farmer. Family farms are on the decline because recent generations do not want to be farmers like their parents and grandparents. As such, there is a lot of farmland for sale, as well as a lot of equipment. If you know for sure that you are going to become a farmer now, here are a few pointers on buying your very first tractor. Read More»

Why Cedar Lumber Is A Good Type Of Wood For Farm Use

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Cedar lumber is a good building material to use around your farm. You can use it for a variety of purposes such as building a storage shed, tractor carport, or even a chicken coop. Although it costs more than pressure-treated lumber, if you buy the lumber in bulk and construct the building yourself, you’ll save on costs. Here are some reasons that cedar is such a good building material for outdoor projects. Read More»

Becoming A Beekeeper To Start A Honey Business

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Have you always wanted to sell your own honey? It is actually worth venturing into such a business because honey is a food product that many people love. However, there are many things that you should know before venturing into such an industry. Going into beekeeping without the proper kind of knowledge can lead to you getting attacked by the honeybees, as well as the business failing. There are a few things that you can do in preparation to make sure that your honey business will be successful. Read More»

Used Farm Equipment ~ What New And Experienced Farmers Should Keep In Mind

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Are you a farmer or planning to start a farm? If so, you likely know that having the right farm equipment is essential to smooth farm operations. Running a farm is sometimes a costly endeavor, and buying new farm equipment is not a reality for many farmers especially those who have start-up farms. The following are a few points to keep in mind about used farm equipment.  Cost The cost of used farm equipment is expected to be cheaper than new equipment that is the same make and model. Read More»